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Porcupine Tree – Coma Divine

1. Bornlivedieintro[Instrumental]

2. Signify

3. Waiting Phase One

Waiting… to be born again
Wanting… the saddest kind of pain
Waiting for the day when I will crawl away

Nothing is what I feel
Waiting… for the drugs to make it real
Waiting… for the day when I will crawl away

Waiting… to be disciplined
Aching… for your nails across my skin
Waiting… for the day when I will crawl away

4. Waiting Phase Two

5. The Sky Moves Sideways

We lost the skyline
We stepped right off the map
Drifted in to blank space
And let the clocks relapse
We laughed the rain down
Slow burn on the lawn
Ghosts across the lawn
Swallowed up the storm

Sometimes I feel like a fist
Sometimes I am the colour of air
Sometimes it’s only afterwards
I find that I’m not there

In the dream dusk
We walked beside the lake
We watched the sky move sideways
And heard the evening break

Sometimes I feel like a fist
Sometimes I am the colour of air
Sometimes it’s only afterwards
I find that I’m not there

6. Dislocated Day
A dislocated day
Peers in to the ether
Counts the stars inside the sky
And flies in to the never
Looped around my eyelids
A thousand shining flecks
Pale against the canvas
Which hangs around my neck
Dislocated day
I will find a way
To make you say
The name of your forgiver
Stood beside an inlet
A starfish leads a dance
It dreams it is a human
And falls into a trance
A hole inside my body
Is wired up to a charge
Chemical imbalance
Tells me who you are
Insects hide the silence
November brings deep rain
Between the flow to freezing
And yesterday’s sustain

7. Sleep Of No Dreaming
At the age of sixteen
I grew out of hope
I regarded the cosmos
Through a circle of rope
So I threw out my plans
Ran on to the wheel
And emptied my head
Of all childish ideals
The sleep of no feeling
I married the first girl
Who wasn’t a man
And smiled as the spiders
Ran all over my hands
Made a good living
By dying it’s true
As the world in my TV
Leaked onto my shoes

8. Moonloop[Instrumental]

9. Up The Downstair
Until the colours dissolve
Leave the dream to rain-soak forever
In blessed moments
Viewed from trains of half-truths
Monuments burn into moments
Up into other worlds
Other ascensions
Without deep sorrow to endure

Black Sunday of sleep
Open for small angel escapes
Moved by buildings to tears
They week in the rain
Am I at home?
Am I in heaven?
Gentle Architecture

10. The Moon Touches Your Shoulder
Springtime is over
Don’t head for home
Creep up the ladder
And steal over stone
No time to forget this
World’s in your eyes
Sway in the cloud blur
And light up the sky

Cast off the colour
And tune in to black
The moon touches your shoulder
And brings the day back

11. Always Never
I feel no pain
Cos I’m an island
I will remain
In the deafness of your silence
I love you sometimes
Always Never
He said you’re here
Here with me now

I feel no gain
When you’re around me
I’ll try again
In the darkness you astound me

It’s growing cold
I’m growing old
Is this the only way to see the fire?
It’s raining…

12. Is…Not[Instrumental]

13. Radioactive Toy
Run through forests on a hot Summer day
Trying to break down walls of numbing pain
Give me the freedom to destroy
Give me radioactive toy

Taste the water from a stream of running death
Eat the apple and cough a dying breath

Feel the sun burning through your black skin
Pour me into a hole, inform my next of kin

Run through graveyards on a dusty Winter day
Spit the dirt out and try to say…

14. Not Beautiful Anymore[Instrumental]


A dietilamida do ácido lisérgico (LSD) é a mais poderosa droga conhecida: menos de 30 gramas são suficientes para produzir mais de trezentas mil doses. Devido a essa potência, a dosagem de LSD é medida em microgramas, sendo que cada micrograma equivale a um milionésimo de grama. Cem microgramas são suficientes para produzir uma viagem, como o efeito da droga é conhecido. Em estado puro, o LSD – um derivado semi-sintético do ácido lisérgico – apresenta-se na forma de cristal, podendo ser também produzido, com potência cinco mil vezes maior que a da mescalina e duzentas vezes maior que a da psilobcina. Doses vendidas ilegalmente costumam ter de 50 a 400 microgramas, produzindo efeitos por um período variável entre 8 e 12 horas. Overdoses de LSD podem acontecer mais facilmente do que com outras drogas, já que é difícil medir quantidades tão minúsculas. Alguns pesquisadores, entretanto, sugerem que uma verdadeira overdose de LSD ocorre apenas com a ingestão de quantidades fantásticas, em torno de 7 milhões de microgramas.

A história do LSD é relativamente recente. Ela começa em 1943, com o químico suíço Dr. Albert Hoffman, que trabalhava para os Laboratórios Sandoz pesquisando derivados do Claviceps purpúrea, também conhecido como ergot, um fungo que atacava o centeio. Os alcalóides desse fungo já haviam sido isolados alguns anos antes, mas pela primeira vez o Dr. Hoffman constatou sua presença em plantas mais elevadas, da família das Convolvuláceas. Essas plantas – a Rivea corymbosa e a Ipomoea violácea – eram empregadas há séculos na América Central pelos índios zapotecas. Acredita-se que os alcalóides sintetizados por Hoffman no fungo do centeio foram responsáveis pelos delírios que acompanhavam os sintomas da peste negra que grassou pela Europa, na Idade Média, quando populações inteiras eram intoxicadas ao comer pão feito com centeio contaminado pelo Claviceps purpúrea. Ao realizar experiências com o ácido dietilamida d-lisérgico, a vigésima quinta substância extraída numa série de testes com o fungo, o Dr. Hoffman absorveu, acidentalmente, através da pele, uma quantidade mínima de droga. Intrigado com os efeitos que experimentou, o cientista baptizou a substância como LSD-25 e resolveu fazer novas pesquisas com ela, escrevendo mais tarde um relatório que chamou a atenção do mundo científico para a descoberta de uma droga que, segundo Hoffman, podia deflagrar um estado de realidade alterada. No começo da década de 60, o LSD-25 foi empregado experimentalmente em sessões de psicoterapia, principalmente nos Estados Unidos, onde seu uso era legal. Das clínicas e das universidades, a droga espalhou-se para o mundo, transformando-se, junto com a "beatlemania" e a revolução sexual, em símbolos de uma época que, para muitos, representava o início da Era de Aquário.

Embora seu uso tenha sido legalmente restrito a partir de 1963, o ácido lisérgico continuou sendo fabricado em laboratórios clandestinos e consumido em grande quantidade. Mas, a partir de 1969, seu consumo começou a diminuir, ao mesmo tempo em que se desvanecia o sonho dos anos 60. Nas décadas posteriores o LSD se tornou droga fora de moda e hoje o seu uso é raro. Enquanto esteve em voga, o ácido lisérgico influenciou profundamente a música, o cinema, as artes plásticas e os costumes, num amplo movimento que ficou conhecido como psicodelismo.

O LSD-25 é classificado oficialmente como droga alucinógeno, embora alguns especialistas sustentem que a substância não pode ser considerada dessa forma pois não provoca alucinações. Assim considera-se que a substância seja uma droga psicomimética: ela induziria sintomas que simulam, ou mimetizam psicoses, como a esquizofrenia. Mas nada disso está demonstrado. O que se sabe com certeza é que o LSD permanece no cérebro durante um período de vinte minutos. A maior parte da droga vai para o fígado e os rins, sendo que o ácido lisérgico pode ser detectado na corrente sanguínea apenas por duas horas depois de ingerido. Relatórios norte-americanos afirmam que os efeitos do LSD são resultado da liberação ou da inibição de substâncias que já existem no cérebro, as quais alteram o equilíbrio químico desse órgão. Quer dizer, não é a droga que causa alterações de consciência – o LSD deflagra, isto sim, relações do próprio organismo. Os primeiros efeitos do LSD são físicos e começam cerca de uma hora depois da ingestão da droga. Eles variam de uma vaga sensação de ansiedade à náusea, sendo acompanhados por aceleração de pulsação, pupilas dilatadas, elevação da temperatura, batimento cardíaco e pressão sanguínea, além de inquietação e redução do apetite. Em seguida, o usuário entra num estado de grande sugestionabilidade: impressões subconscientes afloram aos borbotões, enquanto a capacidade de receber e analisar de forma estrutural as informações do ambiente fica distorcida, podendo até desaparecer. A experiência, que varia muito de uma pessoa para outra, pode induzir a sinestesia, um estado de cruzamento dos sentidos, no qual o usuário "vê" a música e "ouve" as cores. A percepção espacial também é alterada e as cores têm sua intensidade realçada; imagens caleidoscópicas e tridimensionais flutuam no vazio. O sentido de tempo se desfaz, e passado, presente e futuro parecem não ser fronteiras.

Alguns pesquisadores afirmam ter documentado empregos terapêuticos do LSD, já que a substância induziria "auto-aperfeiçoamento, aumento do interesse por questões filosóficas, teológicas e cosmológicas, e iluminação espiritual. Respostas emocionais e padrões aprendidos de comportamento podem ser alterados pela droga, resultando numa eventual mudança de estilo de vida. Empatia e comunicabilidade podem ser alteradas até chegar ao ponto da telepatia, embora todos esses efeitos possam ser resultados de características da personalidade de cada usuário. Muitas das grandes mudanças de estilo de vida atribuídas ao LSD podem ser podem ser explicadas sociologicamente em vez de quimicamente". Autores norte-americanos consideram que a droga não gera dependência física, mas provoca tolerância se diversas doses forem tomadas sucessivamente. A dependência psicológica também é rara, uma vez que a intensidade da experiência lisérgica desencoraja os usuários a consumirem novas doses num curto período de tempo. A tolerância diminui rapidamente à medida que a ingestão de LSD é reduzida, tendendo a desaparecer três dias depois da suspensão do consumo. Não existem sintomas documentados de síndrome de abstinência. Também devido à intensidade da "viagem" causada pelo LSD, o usuário pode ficar mais sujeito a acidentes, e este talvez seja o maior dos perigos provocados pela droga. Os estudos médicos são raros e incompletos, sendo que, em 1967, nos Estados Unidos, foi publicado um relatório afirmando que o ácido lisérgico pode danificar os cromossomos. Testes de laboratório sugeriram que o LSD talvez cause alterações cromossômicas, assim como a cafeína, os raios X, as infecções viróticas e as queimaduras solares.

O usuário de LSD também está sujeito as chamadas bad trips, ou "viagens ruins", nas quais pode ser levado a estados emocionais depressivos, que podem evoluir para reacções psicóticas e paranóia. Em casos extremos, esses estados podem prolongar-se por toda a viagem, que se transforma em verdadeiro pesadelo. Tais problemas são geralmente causados pela predisposição do usuário, embora também possam ser resultados de adulterações no LSD vendido ilegalmente sob a forma de cápsulas, comprimidos, micropontos, gotas em papel mata-borrão e folhas de gelatina. Outro efeito colateral a que se sujeita o usuário de LSD é o fenómeno conhecido como flashback, um retorno ocasional dos efeitos da droga muitos dias depois de ela ter sido tomada. Ainda não se sabe o que provoca o flashback, embora se acredite que ele seja um processo psicológico e não químico. Mesmo assim, existem suspeitas de que o flashback possa ser disparado por fadiga psicológica ou ingestão de remédios antiestamínicos. Os efeitos a longo prazo do uso de LSD não foram determinados. Entretanto, sugere-se que a chance de reacções psicóticas seja mínima, desde que a droga seja ingerida com certas precauções. Administrada em experiências científicas com pessoas clinicamente classificadas como saudáveis, e devidamente alertadas sobre as alterações psicológicas que enfrentariam, a droga demonstrou não provocar maiores danos. Paradoxalmente, quando tomado sem supervisão médica especializada, o LSD pode resultar em estados temporários de pânico, medo, depressão e psicose. Um dos efeitos mais raros da droga é o "desmascaramento" de personalidades psicóticas que, embora aparentemente normais, deixam aflorar conflitos internos reprimidos ao ingerir LSD.

Após esse texto sobre LSD , que tal uma viagem limpa ao som de Porcupine Tree ?
Escute – Porcupine Tree : Voyage 34

Vangelis – ALBEDO 0.39


Maximum distance from the sun: 94 million 537
thousand miles
Minimum distance from the sun: 91 million 377 thousand miles
Mean distance from the sun: 92 million 957 thousand and 200 miles
Mean Orbital velocity: 66000 miles per hour
Orbital eccentricity: 0.017
Obliquity of the ecliptic: 23 degrees 27 minutes 8.26 seconds
Length of the tropical year: equinox to equinox 365.24 days
Lenght of the sidereal year: fixed star to fixed star 365.26 days
Length of the mean solar day: 24 hours and 3 minutes and 56.5555 seconds at mean
solar time
Length of the mean sidereal day: 23 hours and 56 minutes and 4.091 seconds at
mean sederial time
Mass: 6600 million million million tons
Equatorial diameter: 7927 miles
Polar diameter: 7900 miles
Oblateness:  one 298th
Density: 5.41
Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth: 32.174 feet per
second per second
Escape velocity: 7 miles per second

Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39
Albedo: 0.39


Linkin Park : Numb , In the End , Somewhere I Belong


I’m tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don’t know what you’re expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I’m becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can’t you see that you’re smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I’m becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I’m becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
I’m tired of being what you want me to be
I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
I’m tired of being what you want me to be

Linkin Park – In The End

(It starts with)
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter

"Somewhere I Belong"

(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
(Inside of me)
But all the vacancy the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
(Nothing to lose)
Just stuck/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

And I’ve got nothing to say
I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
(I was confused)
Looking everywhere only to find
That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
(So what am I)
What do I have but negativity
’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
(Nothing to lose)
Nothing to gain/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

[Repeat Chorus]

I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I’ll find myself today

[Repeat Chorus]

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
Somewhere I belong

In The End : Album Ao Vivo
Numb : Album Ao Vivo
Somewhere I Belong : Album Ao Vivo

Gaeta’s Lament

Alone she sleeps in the shirt of man with my three wishes clutched in her hand….
The first that she be spared the pain that comes from a dark and laughing rain.
When she finds love may it always stay true this I beg for a second wish I made, too.

But wish no more my life, you can take To
have her, please, just one day wake To
have her, please , just one day wake ….

Pós edição (08.12.2010)

Alone she sleeps in the shirt of man
with my three wishes clutched in her hand
The first that she be spared the pain
that comes from a dark and laughing rain
when she finds love may it always stay true
this I beg for the second wish I may too
but wish no more
my life you can take
to have her please just one day wake
to have her please just one day wake
to have her please just one day wake

Marillion – Misplaced Childhood

Pseudo Silk Kimono

Huddled in the safety of a pseudo silk kimono wearing bracelets of smoke
Naked of understanding
Nicotine smears, long, long dried tears, invisible tears
Safe in my own words, learning from my own words
Cruel joke, cruel joke

Huddled in the safety of a pseudo silk kimono a morning mare rides
In the starless shutters of my eyes
The spirit of a misplaced childhood is rising to speak his mind
To this orphan of heartbreak, disillusioned and scarred
A refugee, refugee , refugee


Do you remember chalk hearts melting on a playground wall
Do you remember dawn escapes from moon washed college halls
Do you remember the cherry blossom in the market square
Do you remember I thought it was confetti in our hair
By the way didn’t I break your heart?
Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart
So sorry, I never meant to break your heart
But you broke mine

Kayleigh is it too late to say I’m sorry?
And kayleigh could we get it together again?
I just can’t go on pretending that it came to a natural end

Kayleigh, oh I never thought I’d miss you
And kayleigh I thought that we’d always be friends
We said our love would last forever
So how did it come to this bitter end?

Do you remember barefoot on the lawn with shooting stars
Do you remember loving on the floor in belsize park
Do you remember dancing in stilettoes in the snow
Do you remember you never understood I had to go
By the way, didn’t I break your heart?
Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart
So sorry, I never meant to break your heart
But you broke mine

Kayleigh I just wanna say I’m sorry
But kayleigh I’m too scared to pick up the phone
To hear you’ve found another lover to patch up our broken home

Kayleigh I’m still trying to write that love song
Kayleigh it’s more important to me now you’re gone
Maybe it will prove that we were right
Or ever prove that I was wrong


I was walking in the park dreaming of a spark
When I heard the sprinklers whisper
Shimmer in the haze of summer lawns.
Then I heard the children singing
They were running through the rainbows.
They were singing a song for you
Well it seemed to be a song for you
The one I wanted to write for you , for you… you….

Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green
When I am King, dilly dilly
You will be queen
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.O.U. for your love
I.O.U. for your love

Lavenders green, dilly dilly, lavenders blue
When you love me, dilly dilly
I will love you
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.O.U. for your love
I.O.U. for your love , for your loveeee.. for your love… for your love.

Bitter Suite
I – Brief Encounter
A spider wanders aimlessly within the warmth of a shadow
Not the regal creature of border caves
But the poor, misguided, directionless familiar of some obscure scottish poet
The mist crawls from the canal
Like some primordial phantom of romance
To curl, under a cascade of neon pollen
While I sit tied to the phone like an expectant father
Your carnation will rot in a vase

B) lost weekend
A train sleeps in a siding
The driver guzzles another can of lager, lager
To wash away the memories of a friday night down at the club
She was a wallflower at sixteen, she’ll be a wallflower at thirty four
Her mother called her beautiful
Her daddy said, a whore

C) blue angel
The sky was Bible black in lyon, when I met the magdalene
She was paralyzed in a streetlight
She refused to give her name
And a ring of violet bruises
They were pinned upon her arm
Two hundred francs for sanctuary and she led me by the hand
To a room of dancing shadows where all the heartache disappears
And from glowing tongues of candles I heard her whisper in my ear’j’entend ton coeur’, ‘j’entend ton coeur’
I can hear your heart, I can hear your heart, I can hear your heart
Hear your heart
I hear your heart

D) misplaced rendezvous
It’s getting late, for scribbling and scratching on the paper
Something’s gonna give under this pressure, and the cracks are already beginning to show
It’s too late
The weekend career girl never boarded the plane
They said this could never happen again
Oh, so wrong, so wrong
This time it seems to be another misplaced rendezvous
This time, it’s looking like another misplaced rendezvous
With you
The parallel of you, you

V – Windswept Thumb
On the outskirts of nowhere
On the ringroad to somewhere
On the verge of indecision
I’ll always take the roundabout way
Waiting on the rain
For I was born with a habit, from a sign
The habit of a windswept thumb, and the sign of the rain
Rain on me, rain
It’s started raining

Heart of Lothian

I) wide boy

Wide boys, wide boys, wide boys
Born with hearts of lothian
Wide boys, wide boys
Born with hearts of lothian
Wide boys, we were wide boys
Born with hearts of lothian
These hearts of lothian

Its six oclock in the tower blocks
The stalagmites of culture shock
And the trippers of the light fantastic, bowdown, hoe-down
Spray their pheremones on this perfume uniform

And anarchy smiles in the royal mile
And theyre waiting on the slyboys, flyboys, wideboys
Rooting, tooting cowboys
Lucky little ladies at the watering holes
Theyll score the friday night goals

I was born with a heart of lothian
I was born with a heart of lothian
I was born with a heart of lothian
I was born with a heart of lothian
I was born with a heart of lothian, with a heart of lothian.

II) Curtain Call
And the man from the magazine,
wants another shot of you all curled up.
‘Cos you look like an actor in a movie shot.
But you’re feeling like a wino in a parking lot.
How did I get here anyway?
Do we really need a playback of the show?
‘Cos the wideboys want to head for the watering holes,
watering holes, watering holes.
Let’s go.
And the man in the mirror has sad eyes.


When the taxis gather in mock Solemnity.
Funeral hearses court the death in virginity,
Was it paradise lost or paradise found?
Did we gain respect or were we holding ground?
You had found true love, or so you believed
And the wideboys tattooed your hearts upon their sleeves.
So when you think it’s time to go,
when you think it’s time to go,
Don’t be surprised, the heroes never show.
And the patter merchants selling false impressions,
Tipping eyes at the waitress with American expressions,
Tie angels to the bar with sweet Martini’s and their charms
They’re lying on every word and every arm
They’re turning down their noses to the best lines
And the cheap wines.
And the wideboys,
They wear their lovebites for their crimes.

So when you think it’s time to go,
when you think it’s time to go,
Don’t be surprised, the heroes never show.

Lords of the Backstage
A love song with no validity.
Pretend you never meant that much to me.
Numb, a vallium child, bored by meaningless collisions.
A lonely stretch of headlight, diamonds trapped in black ice.
A mirror cracked along the white lines.
I just wanted you to be the first one.
I just wanted you to be the first one.
Ashes are burning, burning.
Ashes are burning, burning.
A lifestyle with no simplicities.
But I’m not asking for your sympathies.
Talk, we never could talk, distanced by all that was between us.
A lord of the backstage, a creature of language,
I’m so far out and I’m too far in.
I just wanted you to be the first one.
I just wanted you to be the first one.
Bridges are burning, burning.
Bridges are burning, burning.
Now, now, now, now

Blind Curve
A) vocal under a bloodlight

Last night you said I was cold, untouchable
A lonely piece of action from another town
I just want to be free, Im happy to be lonely
Cant you stay away?
Just leave me alone with my thoughts
Just a runaway, just a runaway, Im saving myself

B) passing strangers

Strung out below a necklace of carnival lights
Cold moan, held on the crest of the night
Im too tired to fight

So now were passing strangers, at single tables
Still trying to get over, still trying to write love songs for passing strangers
All those passing strangers

And the twinkling lies, all those twinkling lies
Sparkle with the wet ink on the paper

C) mylo

Oh I remember toronto when mylo went down
And we sat and we cried on the phone
I never felt so alone
He was the first of our own
Some of us go down in a blaze of obscurity
Some of us go down in a haze of publicity
The price of infamy, the edge of insanity

Another holiday inn, another temporary home
And an interviewer threatened me with a microphone
talk to me, wont you tell me your stories.

So I talked about conscience and I talked about pain
And he looked out the window and it started to rain
I thought maybe Ive already gone crazy
So I reached for a bottle and he reached for the door
And I picked up the sleeping pills crushed on the floor
Inviting me to a casual obscenity

D) perimeter walk

It would be incredible if we could retrace all the times that we lived here
All the collisions
Wasted, Ive never been so wasted
Ive never been this far out before

Perimeter walk
Theres a presence here
I feel could have been ancient, I could have been mystical

Theres a presence
A childhood, my childhood
My childhood, childhood
A misplaced childhood
My childhood, a misplaced childhood
Give it back to me, give it back to me
A childhood, that childhood, that childhood, that childhood, that childhood
Oh please give it back to me

E) threshold

I saw a war widow in a launderette
Washing the memories from her husbands clothes
She had medals pinned to a threadbare greatcoat
A lump in her throat with cemetery eyes

I see convoys curbcrawling west german autobahns
Trying to pick up a war
Theyre going to even the score
Oh… I cant take any more
I see black flags on factories
Soup ladies poised on the lips of the poor
I see children with vacant stares, destined for rape in the alleyways
Does anybody care, I cant take any more!
Should we say goodbye?

I see priests, politicians?
The heroes in black plastic body-bags under nations flags
I see children pleading with outstretched hands, drenched in napalm, this is no vietnam

I cant take any more, should we say goodbye
How can we justify?
They call us civilised!

Childhoods End
And it was morning
And I found myself mourning,
For a childhood that I thought had disappeared
I looked out the window
And I saw a magpie in the rainbow, the rain had gone
I’m not alone, I turned to the mirror
I saw you, the child, that once loved
The child before they broke his heart
Our heart, the heart that I believed was lost

Hey you, surprised? More than surprised
To find the answers to the questions
Were always in your own eyes

Do you realise that you give it on back to her?
But that would only be retraced in all the problems that you ever knew
So untrue
For she’s got to carry on with her life
And you’ve got to carry on with yours

So I see it’s me, I can do anything
And I’m still the child
‘Cos the only thing misplaced was direction
And I found direction
There is no childhood’s end
You are my childhood friend, lead me on

Hey you, you’ve survived. Now you’ve arrived
To be reborn in the shadow of the magpie

Now you realise, that you’ve got to get out of here
You’ve found the leading light of destiny, burning in the ashes of your memory
You want to change the world
You’d resigned yourself to die a broken rebel
But that was looking backward
Now you’ve found the light

You, the child that once loved
The child before they broke his heart
Our heart, the heart that I believed was lost

So it’s me I see, I can do anything.
I’m still the child
‘Cos the only thing misplaced was direction
And I found direction
There is no childhood’s end
I am your childhood friend, lead me on

White Feather
When I hit the streets back in ’81
With a heart and a gown and a poet’s crown.
I felt barbed wire kisses and icicle tears,
Wearing at me for all these years.
I saw political intrigue, political lies.
Going to wipe those smiles of self-satisfaction from their eyes
I will wear your white feather,
I will wear your white flag,
I will swear I have no nation,
But I’m proud to own my heart.
I will wear your white feather,
I will wear your white flag,
I will swear I have no nation,
But I’m proud to own my heart.
My heart, My heart,
This is my heart.
We don’t need your uniforms,
We have no disguise,
Divided we stand, together we rise.

[All the children, all the children,
Tell your children…]

We will carry your white feathers,
We will carry your white flags,
We will swear we have no nation,
But we’re proud to own our hearts.
We will carry your white feathers,
We will carry your white flags,
We will swear we have no nation,
But we’re proud to own our hearts.
Our hearts,
These are our hearts

I won’t walk away
I won’t walk away
I won’t walk away no more,
No more.


Inner Universe – Ghost in the Shell (Stand Alone Complex)

Inner Universe

Lyrics: Origa/Shanti Snyder
Music: Yoko Kanno
Vocals: Origa
Benedict Delmaestro (The London Oratory School Schola)

Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj
Rassekali ternii i
mlechnye puti
Ne znaet schast’ya tol’ko tot
Kto ego zova
ponyat’me smog

Nalybuites’ nalyubuites
Aeria gloris, aeria
Nalybuites’ nalyubuites
Aeria gloris, aeria

I am calling, calling now
Spirist rise and
Soboj ostat’say dol’she
Calling, calling, in the
depth of longing
Soboj ostat’sya dol’she

Nalybuites’ nalyubuites
Aeria gloris, aeria

Stand alone . . . Where was life when it had a meaning . .
Stand alone . . . Nothing’s real anymore and . . .

Beskoneshnyj beg . . .
Poka zhiva ya mogu starat’sya na
letu ne upast’
Ne razuchit’sya mechtat’ . . . lyubit’ . .
. . . Beskoneshnyj beg . . .

Calling, calling, for the place of knowing
There’s more
than what can be linked
Calling, calling now, never will I
look away
For what life has left for me

Yearning, yearning, for what’s left of loving
ostat’sya dol’she
Calling calling now, spiris rise and
Soboj ostat’sya dol’she
Calling, calling, in the
depth of longing
Soboj ostat’sya dol’she . . .

Nalybuites’ nalyubuites
Aeria gloris, aeria
Nalybuites’ nalyubuites
Aeria gloris, aeria

English Translation

Angels and demons were circling above me
Swishing through the hardships and
milky ways
The only one who doesn’t know happiness
is the one who couldn’t understand its call

I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
To stay myself longer…
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
To stay myself longer…

Stand alone… Where was life when it had a meaning…
Stand alone… Nothing’s real anymore and…

…Endless run…
While I’m alive, I can try not to fall while flying,
Not to forget how to dream… how to love
…Endless run…

Calling Calling, For the place of knowing
There’s more that what can be linked
Calling Calling, Never will I look away
For what life has left for me
Yearning Yearning, for what’s left of loving

To stay myself longer…
Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
To stay myself longer…
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
To stay myself longer…

Dirge for the planet

Miraculous crystal
Given by stars
I can foresee the future
In fabulous glass
Lie spilt on the caves
Mock scribbled on us
Earth’s doom day is close
Dancing on the ashes of the world
I behold the stars
Heavy gale is blowing to my face
Rising up the dust
Barren lands are desperate to blossom
Dark stars strive to shine
I still remember the blue ocean
In this dying world
The seas overdumped
The rivers are dead
All planet’s cities turned a deserted land
Annihilation declares its day
Life slowly
Utters me “remain”

Dirge for the planet
Dirge for the Earth
Dirge for the planet
Dirge for the Earth

Dancing on the ashes of the world
I behold the stars
Heavy gale is blowing to my face
Rising up the dust
Barren lands are desperate to blossom
Dark stars strive to shine
I still remember the blue ocean
In this dying world

Even Less

Even Less
Fuck you and your book too
You can have it back
When I’m gone these songs will
Will be my tracks
And I had a stupid dream that I could change things
But I’m a martyr to even less
I hate the ground that I have walked upon
Nothing I’ve done has ever mattered long