O uso de farol baixo durante o dia , agora é lei e obrigatório

Lei nº 13.290/16, publicada no Diário Oficial da União de hoje, altera dispositivos do CTB.

DOU de hoje (24/05/16) a Lei nº 13.290/16, que altera a redação dos artigos 40, inciso I, e 250, inciso I, alínea b, do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro.

Os termos são os seguintes:

Art. 40. O uso de luzes em veículo obedecerá às seguintes determinações: I – o condutor manterá acesos os faróis do veículo, utilizando luz baixa, durante a noite e durante o dia nos túneis providos de iluminação pública e nas rodovias;

Art. 250. Quando o veículo estiver em movimento: I – deixar de manter acesa a luz baixa: b) de dia, nos túneis providos de iluminação pública e nas rodovias;

A não observância do comando legal é infração de trânsito de gravidade média (4 pontos), sujeitando o condutor ao pagamento de multa (R$85,13).

A regra passa a valer daqui a 45 dias – prazo de vacatio legis estabelecido no art. 1º da LINDB.

Pearl Jam – Release


Deu vontade de ouvir uma de minhas músicas preferidas do Pearl Jam.



I see the world
Feel the chill
Which way to go
I see the words
On a rocking horse of time
I see the birds in the rain

Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I’ll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I’ll hold the pain
Release me

Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I’ll wait up in the dark
For you to speak to me
I’ll open up
Release me
Release me
Release me
Release me

Novos radares passam a funcionar na Grande Vitória e interior do Espírito Santo

Os equipamentos começaram a autuar a partir da 0h de hoje. Confira os locais

Novos equipamentos de fiscalização eletrônica em oito pontos de rodovias estaduais passam a funcionar a partir desta segunda-feira (27). Os equipamentos começaram a autuar a partir da 0h de hoje.

Segundo o Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem (DER-ES), o objetivo dos equipamentos é coibir imprudências no trânsito e reduzir índices de acidentes.
Antes da implantação dos radares, o DER realizou estudos técnicos que consideraram, por exemplo, o histórico de acidentes no local e a circulação de pessoas, como diz a resolução 396 do Conselho Nacional de Trânsito (Contran).
Em todos os trechos onde foram instalados os equipamentos, há sinalização indicando a presença dos mesmos e a velocidade máxima da via, que pode ser de 60 Km/h ou 80 Km/h. Antes do início da autuação de fato dos aparelhos, houve um período de adaptação para os motoristas.
Os aparelhos com display, por exemplo, funcionaram no piscante e indicando a velocidade do veículo. Os equipamentos irão flagrar três tipos de infração: excesso de velocidade, parada sobra a faixa e avanço de sinal.
Confira os pontos onde foram instalados
Rodovia Darly Santos / Lindemberg (Viaduto)
A região é de grande circulação de veículos pedados, por conta, principalmente, de ser rota para escoamento de produtos via Porto de Capuaba. Há histórico de acidentes na região, daí a necessidade do equipamento. O limite da via é de 60 Km/h.
Rodovia ES-181 (Km 10)
Sent. Muniz Freire – BR 262 (Na localidade de Piaçu) – O DER-ES identificou a necessidade por histórico de acidentes. Limite de 60 Km/h.
Rodovia do Sol (km 32,2)
Dois sentidos – Próximo ao acesso aos bairros Village do Sol e Mata do Atlântico – Também possui histórico de acidentes. Limite de 80 Km/h.
Rodovia ES-010 (Km 23,6)
Sent. Jacaraípe – Nova Almeida (Na altura do bairro Marbella) – Por se tratar de perímetro urbano, o DER-ES identificou a necessidade da implantação. Velocidade máxima de 60 Km/h.
Rodovia ES-060 (Km 14,3 / Via marginal)
Sent. Vila Velha – Próximo ao motel Las Vegas- Por se tratar de um via de acesso ao bairro Barra do Jucu, há a necessidade de se ter cuidado redobrado na via, também por conta da circulação de pessoas. Velocidade de 60 km/h.
Rodovia Setiba-Guarapari (Km 6,9)
Dois sentidos – Próximo a escola Florisbela Lino Bandeira – A necessidade do equipamento eletrônico é potencializado, naturalmente, pelo fluxo de pessoas na região. Velocidade de 60 km/h.
Rodovia ES-080 (Km 127,3)
 – Próximo à localidade de São Zenão – Houve necessidade por conta do fluxo do fluxo de pessoas. Velocidade máxima de 60 Km/h.
 – Contorno Rodovia ES-080 (Km 8,6) – Colatina – Na altura de Córrego do Argeu – Velocidade máxima de 60 Km/h.

Fonte: Gazeta Online

Explosions In The Sky – Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever


Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever

Release Date: September 4, 2001

1. Greet Death
2. Yasmin The Light
3. Moon Is Down
4. Have You Passed Through This Night?
5. A Poor Man’s Memory
6. With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept

Somehow, Jeremy deVine (self proclaimed Temporary Residence “overlord”) convinced us to leave the mild December climate of Austin, Texas and to drive northeast to Baltimore (where Temporary Residence was based at the time) and record what would be our second record and our first for TRL. This was in 2000 and our means of transportation was a barely functioning, deathtrap of a family van loaded with our equipment, our clothes, several bags of snacks and a massive boombox (there was not a working stereo in the van). The trip took us a few days and we think we played some shows on the way there, but the memories are a bit clouded. We found Jeremy’s house and knocked on the door. He answered and invited us inside. The place was in shambles. Boxes of records and CDs scattered about, art supplies crammed into every corner. The physical manifestation of our new record label was a shelf made of cinder blocks and a few planks. Also, it was freezing cold. Jeremy informed us that the house had no heat because nobody had paid the bill. We were concerned. We all slept that night in our parkas and hats and gloves. Then Jeremy woke us all up at seven in the morning (Jeremy doesn’t really sleep much and apparently doesn’t need to) and piled us all into the van. We would be driving to DC where we would be recording the album. Our first actual day of recording was discouraging. We couldn’t play any of the songs right and we were all really nervous. The four of us were convinced that we had made a terrible mistake thinking that we could record an album that a label would actually send to stores for people to buy. At the end of the day, we got back into the van and headed back to Jeremy’s house. None of us were feeling very good. We then stayed up all night talking with Jeremy. We told him how badly we thought the first day of recording went and how it might be best if we just packed up and went home. He didn’t seem concerned. He said he had faith and that he knew that it would turn out alright. Actually, he didn’t talk much about this horrible first day at all. Instead he talked about music and movies and art and food and growing up. He made us all laugh a lot. Eventually we fell asleep. Jeremy woke us at seven again and we drove to DC. And things went well. We recorded for the next few days, waking up early, driving to the studio, recording, eating at the famous Ben’s Chili Bowl, recording some more, driving back to Baltimore, talking, sleeping, dreaming. Less than a week later, we had a finished record and it was time to go home. We said our goodbyes to Jeremy. We were happy and sad. Happy that we had just recorded a record that we were all excited about. Sad because we had made a new, great friend and we weren’t sure when we would see him again. We left. (We scheduled some shows on the way home. One was in Syracuse. The show was in the basement of a house. The police came during our second song and made us stop. The next day our van wouldn’t start. We were stranded. We lived in the attic of some kind strangers. For eight full days we read books and watched blizzards and ate Chinese food and went sort of nuts. We almost missed Christmas. But eventually we made it home).

sola constans in vita res mutatio est