I finished now of watch 47 Ronin with Keanu Reeves.
I didn’t watch at the theater, what a shame.
But my home theater did his work well.
Wonderful movie.
imdb :
I finished now of watch 47 Ronin with Keanu Reeves.
I didn’t watch at the theater, what a shame.
But my home theater did his work well.
Wonderful movie.
imdb :
Só estou no aguardo de Tron Legacy (Trailer Oficial 1 , Trailer Oficial 2) , segue um video interessante no meu filme predileto de 2010. Vamos ver se o Tron Legacy ganha meu “OSCAR 2010”.
No momento é o INCEPTION :
(OBS : CUIDADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Spoilers Ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )